Thursday 8 September 2011



Is a well known South African delicacy. It is a stew, with a palate of green beans and pumpkin.
The history of Waterblomme dates back to the Khoikhoi, Dutch and Dutch East Indies people that roamed the Cape in the 17th century.

Waterblomme 'small water flowers', or as referred to by Louis Leipoldt in his book Cape Cookery as Water Hawthorn and Myrna Robins, is harvested in the early spring in freshwater dams and ponds across the Western Cape.  They should be picked when the flowers has just opened and the calyces are bright green. It is also available preserved.

The Ingredients (In-laws Recipe)
Serves 4

500g fresh Waterblomme or 1 can preserved
Lamb - thick rib, or leg chops per serving
1tbs Olive Oil
1tsp chopped garlic
1/2 Onion, chopped
6 medium potatoes
350ml water
Salt + blackPEPPER
Nutmeg and Fresh Cream to serve

Saute the onion and garlic, until tender.  Remove from pot and fry the lamb seasoned to taste with salt + blackPEPPER until brown.  Replace the onion add the water, cover and simmer for approximately 2 hours.
Add the Waterblomme, simmer for 30 min.
Add the potatoes and more blackPEPPER, simmer until cooked.
Add a big dollop of Chutney, fold through.

Serve with a hint of nutmeg, and a dash of cream - if preferred 

Waterblomme is a meal on its own, but rice and pumpkin can be served as a side dish. 

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